I talked my husband into going to the beach for a day this past weekend. We went to Lincoln City and the weather was beautiful!
We ate lunch at the famous "Mo's" and afterward walked down onto the beach. There were tons of seals lying on the beach just across the small channel! I have never seen seals this close up before outside of an aquarium!
They kept popping their heads up out of the water and floated there for a bit. It was almost like they were enjoying watching all of the people on the beach just as much as the people enjoyed watching them!
Me & the hubs :) It was really windy out--when the wind was blowing it was chilly but the sun was so bright it was still hot out when the wind stopped.
What I wore: Shirt: Old Navy // Shorts: Old Navy (old) similar // necklace: birthday gift from hubs, same one here // |
We just sat & napped on the beach and watched all the different things happening. There was a guy Parasailing--is that what you call it?
Toes in the sand
We got ice cream before going home at this super cute little shop.
I think mermaids are real.
Glorious Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream!
So here's where I share my story about white shirts & spilling. A few years ago before Joel & I were married we went to Lincoln City for the day & I wore I white shirt and I spilled coffee on it when we got there. So we had to go to the outlet stores so I could buy a new shirt. Then the next weekend I wore a white shirt to church and I spilled coffee on it on the way there. So we have a rule that if I where white I'm supposed to bring an extra top haha. I thought I was so prepared because I brought my "Tide-to-go" pen, but this spill was beyond that. I was so proud of myself because I hadn't spilled all day and I was almost done with my ice cream, but I didn't say anything out loud because I was worried about jinxing it. Well I guess just thinking it jinxed me because the ice cream started to melt and I spilled on my white shirt!

Oh well, at least we were on our way home when it it happened! Next time we go to the beach I am NOT wearing white!! Or maybe I just shouldn't drink coffee & eat ice cream? It was Karma for eating calories I shouldn't have!
Happy Monday all!